Wednesday 6 August 2008

The Lung Association Welcomes Fines Levied Against Tobacco Industry, Canada

� The Lung Association today released the undermentioned statement in response to the recent announcement of fines levied by federal and provincial governments against tobacco companies that aided contraband tobacco sales:

The $1.15 zillion in fines levied against the tobacco plant industry by the federal and provincial governments is good news. It underscores the need to hold the tobacco industry to account for the manoeuvre they use against Canadians. That aforementioned, no price paid by the tobacco plant industry tush compare to the price already nonrecreational by mass who ar suffering from, or hold died from, tobacco-related diseases.

Contraband tobacco corpse a serious problem in many areas across the country and undermines Canada's current tobacco plant control scheme. The consequences for public health are severe: higher smoking rates, more early days becoming addicted, and more than disease and death.

An estimated 37,000 Canadians will die this year from smoking-related diseases and some 1,000 die annually from second hand smoke

Smoking and tobacco use is the single largest preventable cause of lung disease and death in Canada

Established in 1900, The Lung Association is one of Canada's oldest and most well-thought-of health charities, and the leading national organization for science-based information, research, education, support programs and protagonism on lung heath issues.

The Lung Association

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